Hasköy Wool and Yarn Factory
- architecture
In Arch 302 Architectural Design IV, our purpose is to design public buildings to increase community access to public services and to enhance urban commons. In addition, adaptive reuse of an industrial heritage is also a part of our design problem.
Specific to this term, we will focus on an industrial building, Hasköy Wool Yarn Factory, which has been inactive for eleven years. Our design problem is to find ways to create urban and architectural tactics opening this private factory for public use. Our aim, therefore, is to re-use and transform this building with possible extensions to it through both open and indoor public activities providing free access to people. We also aim to create an urban link to Hasköy seashore enhancing leisure and sports activities.
- Course:Arch 302
- Lecturer:Tania Feldzer
- Student:Zeynep Cakmakoglu, Ecem Ozkan, Mert Ünal